Wishlist - What one would like, but can't have . . .

Posted by Serenity of Beauty at Thursday, November 10, 2011
For a little while now, I have had a few things on my 'wishlist', which I really would like. But due to financial circumstances, I can only 'window shop', and dream! However I have vowed once I am sorted financially, I will treat myself. The items I would like are:

LK Bennett 'Shilo' (light taupe) Court Shoes - £160

LK Bennett really has come alive since the Duchess of Cambridge has been seen 'rockin' them with nearly every outfit she wears. I knew about the brand before it become so popular, but I didn't really take much notice. I have a huge addiction to shoes, and thought my wardrobe lacks a pair of nude shoes. Having purchased a pair of sandals from LK Bennett during the summer (which fit so well and are comfortable), I thought these would be an amazing investment to team up with different outfits; whether it be formal occasions, or evenings out. I know, I know £160 for a pair of nude shoes, which you can probably get a cheaper pair in the likes of New Look, Barratts, but I just love then; fit well and are comfortable, which is the main thing.

Christian Louboutin 'Simple 70' - £375

I know, I know, these are a very expensive pair of shoes what are just a pair of plain black patent shoes, with a red sole. I have always said to myself the day I get my first proper job, I will treat myself to a pair of these. I also figured black patent, universal shoe colour, which can be worn with a lot of outfits, which I will more than likely get more wear out of them.


As of late, I have been whining about how much I miss visiting this country, and if I had my way, I would actually stay down there for good! I just love the atmosphere, the sun, seeing my family, and the best bit? nobody cares, gives a monkey what you look like, what you wear, everyone is just so chilled, relaxed, which is just utter bliss. When ever I go, I always feel a lot happier; not stressed, panicked, or worried. Maybe I should actually look into moving out there for good? . . . .

Clarisonic 'Classic' - £155

When I first saw these hit the blogging community, I immediately thought ''Noway am I getting one of those, far too expensive''. I still do think they are a tad on the pricey side, but having done some research into the product, and read the endless reviews, it seems that this little gadget is definitely a good'un. Th products I am using at the moment, Origins, have worked a treat so far on my skin, but I want the products to go that little bit extra, which is what the Clarisonic has been reported to do.

Amazon 'Kindle' - £89

Lately I have been really getting into books, now carrying around books in my handbag. Books are can be bulky, take up a bit of space, and I don't know about you, but I often find the edges get creased and tatty easily, which drives me insane. So I thought what better way of avoiding that but to invest in a Kindle. £89 may seem a little on the pricey side, but to be honest, once you total up the cost of purchased books and so forth, it does work out quite reasonable.

Hope you enjoyed my little wishlist. 
I'd really be interested to hear what is on YOUR wishlist?


Cara Robinson on 10 November 2011 13:22 said...

I'm hoping to get a Kindle for Christmas :)
I kind of like the charm of carrying round a book, but I think my shoulders need a break from lugging them around everywhere!
I'm also lusting after a pair of Jimmy Choos, but I don't think I'll be getting those, haha! xx

Jess on 10 November 2011 21:49 said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes Cas! I love all your choices especially the shoes! I am a huge shoe lover as well so I can totally understand!

I know what you mean about Jamaica, I'm loving Ghana atm as well.


AllieUK on 10 November 2011 23:05 said...

I have a kindle and it is amazing! You also can get tons of books on it for free. Well worth it!

- Allie x

Allie UK Blog

Serenity of Beauty on 11 November 2011 02:10 said...

@Cara Robinson - Yes, my shoulders are on the brink of snapping off from book carrying lol - Kindle FTW (For The Win)

@LWIG - Aww you're welcome :). Haha I think I just have an addiction to shoes. I literally have no more space in my bedroom to store shoes lol Awwww - how long are you in Ghana for? . . :)

@AllieUK - Ooo really? Didn't know that . . Ooo I would like this beaut. even more :) haha

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