Over the past few weeks, you have more than likely seen a mass of 'GlossyBox' reviews either on youtube or various blogs. However if you are not familiar with a GlossyBox, check it out here (if you are an American follower, it is similar, if not the same as the BirchBox). Anyway, the point of this blog post is really to express my opinions and thoughts about the box, as currently am I not convinced! You're probably thinking ''OMG what is wrong with her?'', well I will explain here why I have decided not to follow the crowd . . .
Each month I believe, the GlossyBox will contain luxury products from high end brands which you can sample from the comfort of your own home. This box costs GBP £10 a month, and is on a subscription rolling basis, until you decide to cancel. Now when I first heard about it, I thought it was absolutely amazing; receiving a box of products every month to your front door, what more can a girl want, until I decided to have a proper think about it and discuss it with family and friends. Make up and beauty products from my experience, require an ample amount of time in order to really decide whether this product works for me and doesn't upset my skin. For many years, I have suffered with acne/spot prone blemished skin, which I have only just managed to get settled using Liz Earle products (click here and here to read my reviews). Not only that my skin is incredibly sensitive, and with anything that is in its slightest bit harsh, guaranteed I get the reaction, which lets be honest girls is not pretty or fun. The thought of receiving a box full of sample products no longer sounds so appealing after all, taking my skin history into consideration.
Another issue that dawned on me was my skin complexion. I am black British with parents who are from the Caribbean, therefore I have a dark skin tone. From what I have seen in the first GlossyBox, 2 make up products were included; NARS Orgasm Illuminator 'Peachy Pink with shimmer' and All for Eve lipstick. Although the NARS product states that it is for all skin types, how could I guarantee that the shade included in the box would actually suit my skin tone? Same with the lipstick, it's a bright, bold red shade that states it will suit most skin tones. There is uncertainty within that statement that it won't suit all. From those short acknowledgements of skin tones, there is no guarantee, for me personally, that the make up provided in the box will suit me or agree with my skin. The thought of trying various products on my face just screams ''acne/spot army invasion'' for me!!
The GlossyBox I feel is a wonderful idea, giving ladies across the country the opportunity of sampling products, before purchasing the full size of a product. However my only problem with it is not all the products provided will suit or agree with everybody, which for the cost of £10 a month is not cost effective, but a waste of money. However if GlossyBox were to give customers the option of being able to select products that will suit them, then I may change my mind and subscribe. But for the time being, I think I will stick to being a 'back seat' passenger, and occasionally peek to the front to see what is happening . . .
So what do you think? Is the GlossyBox a fabulous idea? or are you like me, not really buying into it due to your skin type/complexion? I would love to hear your opinions on the matter.