Hello All
So I very rarely do these sort of tags because quite frankly I don't really have the time. But seeing as I am gradually easing myself back into my blogging, I thought I would do a random tag, answer some questions, so you can see a bit more of my personality (I hope)!. I originally saw this tag on 'Nina's Bargain Beauty' blog so please do go and check out her blog. Right here goes Wenn Sie heute bereit sind, den ersten Schritt zu tun, stehen fürsorgliche Lemonaid-Ärzte oder Krankenpfleger bereit, um mit Ihnen über ED zu sprechen. Nach Ihrem diskreten, einfachen Online-Videotermin schreiben Ihnen unsere Ärzte oder Krankenschwestern ein Rezept für Viagra, wenn es die richtige Behandlungsoption für Ihre Bedürfnisse ist. . . .16 random questions . . .
1) What was the last concert you went to?
Leona Lewis 'Labyrinth' tour 2010 - that was absolutely amazing. Originally my friend and I were going to go but tickets sold out, until her mum managed to find us some tickets last minute. Seats were pretty decent, got a good view and the night was in fact a very good evening. My favourite songs of the night were 'Run', 'First time ever I saw your face', and of course 'Bleeding Love'.
2) When did you last drink Champagne?
Ummm my birthday this year; as a result ended up very drunk and sleeping on a minibus for the rest of the evening (classy)!
3) Have you been dancing recently?
Yes, I went dancing on last week Monday. I do Tap, have done for 22years. Thoroughly enjoy it and is a great way to exercise and take my mind of day to day stress.
4) Put your iPod on shuffle - what is the first track?
Tom Baxter 'Light Me Up' - I first heard this last year as part of ITN news Royal Wedding Montage. I kid you not, I actually shed a tear, purely because the song is beautiful, but the Royal Wedding was just utterly stunning. (Click here to see the montage)
5) If you could compete in any event in the London 2012 Olympics, what would it be?
4x100 Relay - I use to run for my school, and this was one event I always use to enjoy; great team work, fun and competitive.
6) What is your favourite children's book?
Beatrix Potter books. I don't have a favourite as such, but I always loved reading/having them read to me as a child.
7) How did you choose the title of your blog?
All has been explained here.
8) What would you regard as your biggest achievement?
Completing my university degree. I came very very close to quitting on numerous occasions purely because I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. But through sheer determination and support from family and class peers I kept plodding on until I finished. Was so nice graduating, wearing that heavy mortarboard and cape for 3hours!
9) How much time do you spent on blogs and twitter each week?
LoL Oh gawdddd, far too much time!
10) Who are you inspired by?
Darcey Bussell; her commitment and dedication to dance is something that I have always taken on board, and learnt to apply to all aspects of my life.
Darcey Bussell; her commitment and dedication to dance is something that I have always taken on board, and learnt to apply to all aspects of my life.
11) Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?
It wasn't me . . it was the person over there ---------->> {look to your right} LoL
12) If you could introduce one law, what would it be?
Clamp down on sexual exploitation and human trafficking. A topic that I studied in great depth whilst at university, and it is incredibly surprising to see that although laws have been implemented to some degree, there are still 'loop holes' which have not been 'sealed'.
13) What book do you think everyone should read at least once? You know, the one you read, fell in love with and have since taken to recommending it to people at every opportunity?
Usain Bolt '9.58'. As a fan of the worlds fastest man, it is an incredibly interesting and fun book to read.
14) If you could wake up anywhere in the world, where would you be?
Jamaica - sun, sand, sea (and cocktails, of course).
15) When was the last time you did something that scared you?
I put my hair up into a ponytail, but obviously missed a few strands of hair. I felt this thing 'tickling' the back of my neck, and I immediately thought ''SPIDER''!
16) Are you a believer in telling the truth, no matter what the consequences, or are there times when it's best to keep your mouth shut?
I am a firm believer of ''Honesty is the best policy'', but at times it's best to stay quiet - it all depends on the situation, who is involved and what it's about.
Hope you enjoyed my responses.
If you decide to do this tag, please do let me know as I would love to read your responses
Hope you enjoyed my responses.
If you decide to do this tag, please do let me know as I would love to read your responses